© Paweł Rakowski

Monika Walendziak (1986), painter and photographer.

After graduating from the Wojciech Gerson School of Fine Arts and earning her MA in History of Art from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, she pursued further education in philosophy and religious studies, focusing both theoretically and practically, on the existential dimensions of creativity and the role of artistic practice in spiritual exploration.

Her works have been displayed in solo and group exhibitions in the United Kingdom, Poland, Ukraine and Denmark, and are part of private collections across Europe and beyond. Since 2017 she has worked regularly in Copenhagen, where she has been responsible for the design and execution of the chapel and wall paintings at Sankt Augustins Kirke.

She explores themes of mutability, the dynamics of growth and decay of structures, expansion and decline, transformation, and interconnectedness in both the external world and the inner experience of an embodied being. A special focus of her practice is the metaphor of the garden, which serves as a space for the confrontation between man and nature, freedom and determinism.

Inspired by the idea of the radical materiality of art –
that experiencing the matter is experiencing everything - she places great emphasis on the tactile aspect of her paintings, experimenting with binders and dry pigments. The accumulation of primers mixed with sand, debris, and dry vegetal and animal remains, covered with transparent luminous colours, forms stratified structures reminiscent of archaeological and geological layers, offering insight into the delicate dynamics of circulating matter.

By treating geometric forms as a universal and elemental language of visual imagination, she seeks to invite meditative reflection on the instability of the material world, and mutually interwoven and interactive layers of transformed erotic energies.

She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Represented by: Ikikata.Art Gallery


1999-2003 Wojciech Gerson School of Fine Arts [Ogólnokształcąca Szkoła Sztuk Pięknych, Zespół Państwowych Szkół Plastycznych im. Wojciecha Gersona], Warsaw, Poland

2005-2010 History of Art, Master’s Degree, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
2010-2013 Philosophy & Theology, Pontifical Faculty of Theology Collegium Bobolanum, Warsaw, Poland

2009-2013 Byzantine Iconography, College of the Christian East [Studium Chrześcijańskiego Wschodu], Warsaw, Poland



 ‘for the love and out of hatred for dying’, Ikikata.Art Gallery, Podkowa Leśna, Poland


‘Does the Garden have to be destroyed?’ Kirketorvet, Aarhus, Denmark  


 'Garden | Ogród', Matulka Gallery, Milanówek, Poland 


'Matter and Light', The Meditatio Centre, London, UK


The Society of Scottish 126th Annual Exhibition, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, UK
Art Market Budapest: Ikikata Art Gallery, Millenaris, Budapest, Hungary
'ODPADY / WASTE', Ikikata Art Gallery, Podkowa Leśna, Poland
'Now & Then' Visual Arts Scotland Centenary Show Part Two, Dalkeith Palace, Scotland, UK
MoBU International Art Fair of Bucharest: Ikikata Art Gallery, RomExpo Central Pavilion, Bucharest, Romania


20th Warsaw Art Fair: Ikikata.Art Gallery, EXPO XXI, Warsaw, Poland
The Society of Scottish Artists 125th Annual Exhibition, Maclaurin Art Gallery, Rozelle Estate, Ayr, Scotland, UK
Warsaw ArtShow, Fabryka Norblina, Warsaw, Poland
'IS IT STILL (A) LIFE?', Ikikata Gallery, Podkowa Leśna, Poland


The Society of Scottish Artists 130 Years | Annual Exhibition, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, UK
19th Warsaw Art Fair: Ikikata.Art Gallery, EXPO XXI, Warsaw, Poland
'Kolonia artystyczna Podkowa Leśna', Centrum Kultury i Inicjatyw Obywatelskich - Pałacyk Kasyno, Podkowa Leśna, Poland


'Beyond the Surface', Ikikata Art Gallery, Podkowa Leśna, Poland


'Zamlynnia', The Palace of Art, Lviv, Ukraine
'Zamlynnia', Volhynian Museum of Icons, Lutsk, Ukraine


'Mass of the Night River', St Matthew's Church of Scotland, Perth, UK


'Darkroom Tales', Ice Factory, Perth, UK

'Nature', University of Edinburgh, UK

'Torah in Byzantine Iconography'
- Art Gallery, Lutsk, Ukraine

Exhibition following the 7th International Meeting of Iconographers, Zamlynnia, Ukraine


Democratic Camera Club Exhibition 'Ideas of Beauty', Summerhall, Edinburgh, UK

- Regional Museum, Kovel, Ukraine
- Dubno Castle, Ukraine
- Regional Museum, Kremenets, Ukraine
- R_z Gallery, Rzeszów, Poland
- KIK, Warsaw, Poland
- Debiut Gallery, Gdynia, Poland
‘Sacred Art in Volynia’, B.Biegas Gallery, Ciechanów, Poland


- Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum, Lviv, Ukraine
- Art Gallery, Lutsk, Ukraine

Exhibition following the 5th International Meeting of Iconographers, Zamlynnia, Ukraine

College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw, Poland


'The Sacred Face', St John's Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw, Poland


College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw, Poland


College of the Christian East Annual Exhibition, St Joseph's Dominican Monastery, Warsaw, Poland


2020 - Ongoing

'Anastasis' Chapel, Sankt Augustins Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark


Murals for Sankt Augustins Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark


Icon for St Mary's RC Church, Inverness, Scotland, UK
Wall paintings for Sankt Augustins Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark


Icons for Sankt Augustins Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark 


Icon for St Mary's RC Cathedral, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
2017: the 7th International Meeting of Iconographers, Zamlynnia, Ukraine, organised by: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lutsk, National Association of Ukrainian Artists, Department of Ukrainian Studies of the University of Warsaw, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Association of Polish Artists and Designers 
2015: the 5th International Meeting of Iconographers, Zamlynnia, Ukraine, organised by: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lutsk, National Association of Ukrainian Artists, Department of Ukrainian Studies of the University of Warsaw, Lviv National Academy of Arts, Association of Polish Artists and Designers